People and Workplace Culture

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Managing Workplace Energy: Tips for maintaining productivity and motivation

In today's fast-paced business environment, managing workplace energy has become increasingly important.

Attracting & retaining employees: Proven strategies for your business

One of the most common challenges that businesses face today is the ability to attract and retain employees.

What is employee onboarding?

Growing your business and hiring new employees is an exciting time and can provide many short and long term benefits, including becoming even more profitable.

The importance of employee recognition

Everyone likes to feel appreciated and recognised for what they do. At work, at home and in every aspect of life, being recognised and appreciated for the contribution you make can foster a level of loyalty, gratitude and happiness that becomes the foundation of everything you do. 

Mental health for small business: R U OK?

Small businesses are the backbone of the Australian economy. As of June 2023, there were 2.5 million small businesses in Australia, making up a staggering 97.3% of all Australian businesses1.

How to improve your mindset and become a better version of you

Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions become who you are. Improving your mindset and your thoughts has the potential to completely change the trajectory of your life.

What is a functional structure and why do you need one?

Imagine this. Five years ago you started a business and you were excited to get things going. When your business started to grow and as things got busier, you realised you needed some help so you hired Sam, your first staff member. You worked well together and managed to do all the tasks at hand.

How To Improve Your Business Culture

A strong business culture can help your business weather the ups and downs that you will face on your business journey.

How to turn strategy into action

You're ready to grow your business and have mapped out and created a strategy that will help you reach your goals. But what is the most common thing that happens after business owners set their strategy? Nothing.

10 New Year’s resolutions to improve your business and your life

As one year ends, another begins. Whether you’ve had a year you’d rather forget, or an amazing year full of success, a new year always brings the opportunity for a fresh start.

How to hire a virtual assistant

Your business is doing great - you’ve got lots of customers, your revenue is growing, but you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed and wish you had more time to get things done.

The benefits of a virtual assistant for your business

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed? Running a business is hard work. You need to be the salesman, the accountant, the marketer and manage your staff too.

How to reward your employees

Starting a new year is a great time to reflect and think about the value and contribution your employees have made in your business.

Onboarding new employees

Onboarding a new employee into your business should be a smooth process for all involved. Onboarding is simply the process of a new employee starting with your business. 

Having difficult conversations with employees

Ever felt like hiding in the corner, or pretending like nothing is wrong, all in an effort to avoid having a difficult conversation with an employee?

How to build an effective team before the next financial year

As you approach the new financial year, it is the perfect time to review a number of key areas within your business. The actions you take and implement now can help to set up your business for success in the new financial year.

Invest In Your Team To See Your Business Thrive

The success of your business depends on many factors. Undoubtedly the number one is the people you choose for your team. Without a strong, motivated and passionate team you will find your business limited. 

How A Healthy Organisational Culture Can Result In Increased Profits

An organisational culture gradually develops over time and it is vitally important to the success of your business.

Cultivate An Independent Team With These Easy To Implement Tips

When you think about your current team, what words come to mind? Are they proactive, resourceful and assured? Or are they ambivalent, meek and needy?  

How To Get Buy-in From Your Team, And Keep It

You have a great idea for your business and you’re ready to move forward with it… but do you have buy-in from your team to actually make it happen?

Coach Your Team To Peak Performance

There’s no denying it! When it comes to business success, your staff are the determining factor between success and failure.  


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Running a business can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

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