Mental health for small business: R U OK?

Mental health for small business: R U OK?

Small businesses are the backbone of the Australian economy. As of August 2024, there were about 2.6 million small businesses in Australia, making up a staggering 97.2% of all Australian businesses1. These businesses play a crucial role in keeping our economy moving, but behind the scenes, the pressures on business owners and their teams can take a toll.

With R U OK? Day in September, it's a timely reminder that mental health needs attention not just on one day, but every day. It’s about starting conversations, checking in with those around us, and offering a listening ear when it's needed most.

Running a business is hard work, and while success is important, so is your well-being. You deserve to thrive in your business and, above all, be happy. Let’s make R U OK? Day the spark that encourages ongoing support for one another, ensuring no one feels left to struggle in silence.

Business Leaders and Their Teams Are Feeling the Pressure

Running a business has always been tough, but lately, it feels like a never-ending emotional rollercoaster. It’s no surprise that many small business owners and their teams are feeling the strain

With rising living costs, workforce shortages, and ever-changing working conditions, the pressure is on for these businesses to keep up. This uncertainty often leads to stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm for both leaders and their teams.

As business owners, we get it. We understand the immense pressure to stay afloat while juggling the challenges of an uncertain environment. That’s why we believe it’s so important to reach out and check in—not just with your team, but with your fellow business owners and even yourself.

Those three simple words—“Are you OK?”—can make all the difference. They have the power to lift someone up, to remind them they’re not alone, and to help them navigate the difficult times ahead.

Why is it important for business leaders to speak up about mental health?

It is important for business leaders and owners to speak up about mental health because life knocks us all down at different stages of our life, and we need to break any stigma that is attached to not being ok.

Speaking up about mental health helps us to understand that:

  • Illness can rob us of confidence and energy.
  • Business can make us feel frazzled or inadequate.
  • Falling short of our goals can make us feel hopeless.
  • Death of loved ones can sap us of energy and hope.
  • Relationships breaking up can make us feel confused, sad or angry.

Everybody deserves to feel supported and that’s why it’s important to ask the people around you ‘R U OK?’

How a sincere conversation can change a life

A conversation can change a life because it empowers us to more meaningfully connect with those around us. We don't need to be an expert to reach out to someone, we just need to start by asking the question and being good listeners.

Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

Who will you ask ‘R U OK?’

Have you got a feeling that someone you know or care about is not behaving like they normally would? It’s important to trust your gut instinct and act on it.

Who will you ask ‘R U OK?’ It might be your partner, your employees, friends, family, or even your neighbour. And then take the time to consider how you feel right now too. While it’s important to check in with others, you should put your own mental health at the top of your list. If you’re not feeling ok, then it is important to know that there is support available.

Supporting the mental health of you and your team

At Your Business Momentum, we have a responsibility to help business leaders and owners like you, throughout Australia to feel supported and live more enjoyable lives. We believe in the small business spirit that moves us to pitch in and support each other - even if it's just on a positive note.

Now more than ever, it is important for us to provide a sense of stability and hope for everyone around us.

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin

We want you to know that you can talk about how you're feeling with us anytime. Email us at and we’ll be in touch.

If you or anyone you know needs help, call:


  1. R U OK?. (n.d.). R U OK? Official website.
  2. Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. (2024, August). Number of small businesses in Australia.

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