Momentum Insights

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Momentum Spotlight: Specialised Plumbing Centre

At Your Business Momentum, we take pride in celebrating the incredible businesses we work with.

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Documenting Business Processes is Important BUT Not Urgent – And Therein Lies The Risk

Many businesses put off creating robust systems, not because they don’t see the value, but because everything seems to be working fine as it is.

Documenting Business Systems is a key succession strategy you can't afford to miss. Here’s why.

A household name in musical instruments, Music Box* has carved out a niche by crafting bespoke musical instruments for clients across Australia and New Zealand.

Productivity is About Systems, Not Your People

As business owners and leaders, we often strive to boost productivity within our teams.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Standard Operating Procedures

As the age-old adage goes, organisations of any size are like intricate machines with numerous moving parts.

How to set goals for 2024 and achieve them

As business owners and leaders, setting and achieving goals is a fundamental part of driving success and growth for your organisation.

Systemising Your Business - Greg Gunther ft. on Business Built Freedom Podcast

In the ever-evolving business landscape, the key to maintaining momentum often lies in a seemingly simple yet profound concept—systemising your business.

Stop Shiny Object Syndrome In Business: Interview with Greg Gunther

At Your Business Momentum, we take pride in celebrating the incredible businesses we work with..

Set Your Business Up for Success in the New Financial Year

At Your Business Momentum, we take pride in celebrating the incredible businesses we work with.

How can Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) help prevent employee burnout?

At Your Business Momentum, we take pride in celebrating the incredible businesses we work with.

Writing Standard Operating Procedures: 8 Mistakes to Avoid

At Your Business Momentum, we take pride in celebrating the incredible businesses we work with.

How to make systems part of company culture

As businesses grow and expand, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them efficiently without a proper framework in place.

Managing Workplace Energy: Tips for maintaining productivity and motivation

In today's fast-paced business environment, managing workplace energy has become increasingly important.

Attracting & retaining employees: Proven strategies for your business

One of the most common challenges that businesses face today is the ability to attract and retain employees.

Eliminating Business Waste: Strategies for improving efficiency and boosting profits

As a business owner, it is important to consistently evaluate how your business is tracking and look for ways you can improve, change or adapt.

The 3-Step Guide to Eliminating Costly Business Waste with Greg Gunther

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing costs and eliminating wasteful spending.

Throwback to Mt. Everest Basecamp: Greg’s amazing ride to support children’s cancer research

 wish there was a way I could put into words how my life has been impacted by cycling to Mt Everest.

What Does It Mean To Be Free?

Everyone has a different definition of the word freedom. Freedom may mean living the life you want, pursuing your passion, working in a profession you love, among many others.

What is employee onboarding?

Growing your business and hiring new employees is an exciting time and can provide many short and long term benefits, including becoming even more profitable.

The importance of employee recognition

Everyone likes to feel appreciated and recognised for what they do. At work, at home and in every aspect of life, being recognised and appreciated for the contribution you make can foster a level of loyalty, gratitude and happiness that becomes the foundation of everything you do. 

Turning Today’s Challenges into Future Opportunities - Greg Gunther ft. on Organize Chaos Podcast

In this roundtable discussion, Greg speaks with Chris Ronzio, Founder and CEO of Trainual and host of the Organize Chaos Podcast.

Mental health for small business: R U OK?

Small businesses are the backbone of the Australian economy. As of June 2023, there were 2.5 million small businesses in Australia, making up a staggering 97.3% of all Australian businesses1.

2022 Business Boost Grant for Queensland Businesses

What could a $15,000 funding boost mean for your business? While the economic recovery in Australia is improving, conditions for businesses of all sizes are quite uncertain, with some small businesses still trying to find their way back.

How Business Systems Can Help You Break Through the Ceiling - Greg Gunther ft. on Supercharging Business Success

Is your business “hitting the ceiling”? Do you feel stuck in the daily grind and are you not so sure how to actually grow your business?

The importance of knowing your numbers in business

The reason that many business owners start their own business is for more flexibility and ultimately, to make a profit. But how do you get there if you don’t really know what the numbers in your business mean?

5 Myths About Business Systems

As a business owner, you want your business to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

What traits make an effective leader?

Anyone can be a leader. But what makes an effective leader? An effective leader often has a specific blend of traits, but they also possess that spark, that something special that is hard to put into words.

How to document business processes and systems

Business processes and systems are the backbone and foundation of successful businesses. By documenting processes and systems in your business, it helps you to improve your business performance, creates consistency and ensures that any employee can step in and complete the work that is required.

Business Process Mapping - Is It A Waste Of Time?

You’ve probably heard the term ‘business process mapping’ thrown around, but like many people, may not know what it actually means?

How to improve your mindset and become a better version of you

Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions become who you are. Improving your mindset and your thoughts has the potential to completely change the trajectory of your life.

Why word of mouth will never go out of style - Greg Gunther ft. on Authentic Influence Podcast

There is no doubt getting new clients has become quite sophisticated and more competitive over the years. As the world around us evolves, there is one practice that will never go out of style: word-of-mouth and referrals.

Leading in disruptive times

Leading in disruptive times calls for a leader who uses their inner agility and embraces change. Someone who implements mindset shifts in themselves and others to lead through the fog of uncertainty and ambiguity.

Greg Joins Panels Discussion on Executing Business Plans

Change is inevitable in business. Regardless of whether you intend to expand, sell, or exit in the next five year or in years to come, you must plan and protect your business against unexpected events.

Guest Post: Finding Purpose

We wear multiple hats in our life. Friend, parent, partner, business coach. And even more so as business owners and entrepreneurs.

Government Grants To Support Australian Businesses

Would you like to access business funding to grow your Australian business or help you recover your business from a recent storm and flood in your area?

Why documenting systems in your business can improve business performance?

Business systems are a sequence of co-dependent procedures and tasks with the purpose of achieving a business objective. Business processes on the other hand, are all the interconnected activities within the system that work together to make it function.

Strategies for learning from failure

No one likes to experience failure. It’s usually uncomfortable, causes you to overthink and often leaves you feeling embarrassed, a little lost or like giving up.

The Power of Choice - Greg Gunther Featured on Plan to Fail Podcast

How do you react when things don't go according to plan? While most people tend to react negatively towards such situations, we all actually have the power to choose how we respond to every situation or challenge we face.

Why customer feedback is important

Customer feedback is important as it assists you in understanding what is and isn’t working well in your business, from your customers’ perspective.

Data driven thinking for your business

Data-driven thinking continues to provide significant advantages for businesses by utilising the power of numbers, data and metrics to guide decision making and strategic planning.

What hard times teach us: Lessons to set up your business for future success

Hard times happen to everyone. Sometimes they happen seemingly out of nowhere and really rock you to the core.

Strategies to improve your business profit

Every business operates to make a profit. Without turning over a profit, your business will not be able to continue to survive.

Running in pink to give hope to women battling breast cancer

I'm not much of a runner, but this March I decided to wear pink and participate in the 2021 RACQ International Womens Day Fun Run, supporting women with breast cancer.

How to make time for everything in your business

Have you ever wished that if you could just clone yourself, then you’d be able to get so much more done?

New year business planning

As another year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to get started on planning ahead and thinking about your new year business plan.

Rising to the challenge of change

Change is the only constant that you will experience in your life.

Persistence and tenacity

This month we’ve changed gears with a more personal story, one of persistence and tenacity.

Are you ready for change? Learn how to reset your business

As a business owner or leader within a company, 2020 has brought about many challenges.

Why is it important to have a sounding board in business?

When you’re a business owner or leader, there are always so many things you need to be responsible for. Who do you turn to when you need a second opinion, some guidance or someone to talk to?

Change Nothing and Nothing Changes

As business owners, we know all too well the emotional roller coaster of running a business. Some years it's feast and other years famine.

Strategies To Improve Business Performance

Managing your business, your clients or customers, your team and the daily operations of your business, often leaves little time for doing anything else in your business.

Get Your Life Back - Greg Gunther Featured On MTI Podcast

You’ve worked hard to build your passion into a business that means the world to you. You’ve made lots of great decisions, and maybe some not so great ones too.

What is a functional structure and why do you need one?

Imagine this. Five years ago you started a business and you were excited to get things going. When your business started to grow and as things got busier, you realised you needed some help so you hired Sam, your first staff member. You worked well together and managed to do all the tasks at hand.

How To Improve Your Business Culture

A strong business culture can help your business weather the ups and downs that you will face on your business journey.

How to survive in a rapidly changing business environment

There has been nothing ordinary about 2020 so far. From drought, to bushfires and now the coronavirus taking hold, we are experiencing unchartered waters for the first time in most of our lives, and it’s certainly no walk in the park.

How to Win More Referrals from Your Clients

Experience has demonstrated that your best clients will usually come as referrals from existing clients. These referrals are warm leads, and you have been given a trusted recommendation.  

5 ways to support local business after the bushfires and drought

"Australia. A land of sweeping plains, of rugged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains" - Dorothea McKellar

How to turn strategy into action

You're ready to grow your business and have mapped out and created a strategy that will help you reach your goals. But what is the most common thing that happens after business owners set their strategy? Nothing.

Women in Family Business Leadership Roles

Some of the largest and longest-lasting family businesses in the country are recognising the talent and unique skillset that women bring to the table. As a result, more women are being promoted into leadership roles. Why is this important?

10 New Year’s resolutions to improve your business and your life

As one year ends, another begins. Whether you’ve had a year you’d rather forget, or an amazing year full of success, a new year always brings the opportunity for a fresh start.

Reigniting your Passion in Business - Greg Gunther Featured on Conversations with Sam Dean Podcast

Greg Gunther sits in and speak with Sam Dean of BlueprintHQ about reigniting your passion and becoming redundant in your own business.

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Get the latest business information, tips and tricks at your fingertips. Our business blog helps small and medium business owners who are often juggling the role of many. Explore our blogs on the latest business news, leadership, systems and


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